Bella's story
Published 2020-01-06
One year ago three of us who are friends belonging to a group of knitters (Featherston Craft Knitters). Our ages range from late 50s to early 60s decided to ride over the Remutaka incline to Featherston. My name is Bella Anderson pictured here with my friends Sandra Walters and Paula Barnett.
Two of us had never done this before and none of us had taken this particular route! We caught the train to Maymorn, got a little lost but managed to find our way onto the main trail with an extra kilometre or so added to the total ride.
One year on, Sandra and I are scheduled to ride Tour Aotearoa 2020 next month (21.02.2020).
A year ago neither of us anticipated we’d be stepping up to do this at our age but here we are, going on out on training rides ranging between 70 and 100 kilometres average. Our mostly incorporating the Remutaka Trail.
We feel so lucky to live in Featherston with such easy access to the amazing Remutaka trail. Truly one of NZ’s gems.